середа, 4 грудня 2019 р.

Content and Language Integrated Learning/навчання мови через інтеграцію 
(Предметно-мовне інтегроване навчання) 

Це один з порівнянно нових і надзвичайно цікавих підхщдів до навчання. Цей метод передбачає вивчення певного предмету іноземною мовою - увагу не акцентують ані на граматиці, ані на інших лінгвістичних частинах вивчення мови. Наприклад, вивчення біології але англійською мовою. Звісно, такі предмети, як хімія, біологія, математика не зовсім підходять за програмою, а ось, інформаційні технології, мистецтво, спорт, географія дуже легко інтегруються. Здається, що англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням – це і є CLIL в чистому вигляді. Я викладаю ту ж саму електротехніку чи електромеханіку, але англійською мовою. Або, візьмемо будову двигуна чи будову комп’ютера… 

Коли на уроці застосовується технології CLIL, мова виступає не ціллю, а засобом вивчення іншого предмета, тобто учні бачать, що за допомогою англійської мови можна пізнаватися нову цікаву інформацію. Вивчення мови відразу стає більш осмисленим, тому що вона використовується для вирішення конкретних задач тут і зараз. Учні бачать для чого вони вчать мову. 

У подібного підходу є цілий ряд переваг. В першу чергу, діти просто забувають про те, що вони вчать англійську, адже головний акцент припадає зовсім не на це, а на вивчення інших дисциплін. При цьому англійська все одно добре засвоюється, хоча і у «фоновому» режимі. 

По-друге, з CLIL тренуються усі аспекти вивчення мови, оскільки матеріали мають різний вигляд – не лише у текстовому форматі, а також у аудіо та відео. Крім того, необхідно виконувати практичні завдання, для котрих необхідне письмо та усне англійське мовлення. 

Додатковим завданням можуть бути проекти на вивчену тему. 

З власного досвіду можу сказати що CLIL це захоплюючий підхід до викладання мови який розширює світогляд учнів і є прекрасним доповненням до звичних уроків іноземної мови і який я намагатимуся частіше застосовувати на своїх уроках.

четвер, 14 листопада 2019 р.

Вітаємо переможців та призерів 
І етапу Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови

за програмою 10 класу
Нечитайло Роман Віталійович (ТЕ-19-1) - І місце
Шмальченко Вероніка Євгеніївна (К-19-4) - ІІ місце
Таратинов Сергій Сергійович (ТМ-18-1) - ІІІ місце

               за програмою 11 класу

Михайліченко Артем Вікторович (ТЕ-17-3) - І місце
Остапчук Анастасія Русланівна (ОК-17-5) - ІІ місце
Іванько Олег Сергійович (ТМ-17-1) - ІІІ місце

вівторок, 15 жовтня 2019 р.


Read and translate the text
What is a Computer?
             The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is referred to as hardware. A computer system is a combination of five elements:
·         Hardware
·         Software
·         People
·         Procedures
·         Data/information
Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do. People, however, are the most important component of the computer system: they create the computer hardware and software.
The basic job of computer is processing information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data is raw material while information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision making. Computer is used to convert data into information.
intelligence - розум
raw – необроблений
convert – переробляти, перетворювати
refine – очищати

понеділок, 7 жовтня 2019 р.

Предметний інтенсив: Інозeмна мова. 

1. “Корисні онлайн-ресурси, які можна використати під час підготовки до уроку”. 
2. “Making Language Learning Meaningful”. 
3. “Basic principles of pbl in the class”

середа, 14 серпня 2019 р.

Primary and Secondary Education in Ukraine

In Ukraine children start going to school at the age of six or seven. There are also kindergartens in Ukraine, where children study from three-four years old. Primary and secondary education is compulsory and free. Primary and secondary education in Ukraine is divided into:
Stage 1: the primary school – four years of studies. Children get basic  knowledge and skills in mathematics, languages and nature study.
Stage 2: the basic secondary school – five years of studies. Pupils get knowledge and skills in science and humanities, mother tongue and foreign languages. The basic school certificate gives 14–15 year olds the right to continue schooling both at the upper secondary school and colleges or vocational schools.
Stage 3: the upper secondary school lasts two years. Pupils can either continue their education in a secondary school or can change schools and begin to and study more detailed mathematics and physics, biology, history, or get computer skills and a trade education. After finishing the 11th form of the upper secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium, one must take standard assessment tests and
go into higher education. All applicants become students on a competitive basis according to their test results.

середа, 7 серпня 2019 р.

Предметний інтенсив: Інозeмна мова. 

1. “Лексичний підхід: чому мова важливіші за граматику”.
2. “Як виховати чемпіона, вивчаючи англійську мову: практика і реальні кейси.”
3. “5 communicative activities to boost your learners’ vocabulary.”

четвер, 6 червня 2019 р.

“So” is generally used before adjectives. For example:
a)  I’m so tired.
b)  She’s so nice.
c)   This is so good.
d)  I’m so hungry!
e)   We were all so worried about you.
f)   You’re so kind to let us stay here.

We can use “so many” with countable nouns. For example:
a)There are so many places to see.
b) There were so many people at the party.

And we can use “so much” with uncountable nouns.
For example:
a) I’ve got so much work to do.
b) There’s so much sugar in this I can’t drink it.
 “Such” is generally used before nouns. For example:
a)   He is such a fool.
b)  They are such idiots.

Notice how “such” can also be used with nouns that have adjectives before them. For example:
a)   They are such nice people. (“people” is the noun)
b)  It was such a good film. (“film” is the noun)
c)   It is such a nice day. (“day” is the noun)
d)  It was such a great idea of yours.
e)   They are such good stories.
f)   That’s such a clever dog.

Complete the sentences with “so” or “such”.

1.  I’m __________ stupid sometimes.
2.  She’s ___________ an idiot.
3.  He’s  __________ good.
4.  They’re  ___________ bad boys.
5.  It was  _________ a terrible film.
6.  It was  ___________ nice today.


Вимова дуже важлива. Набагато важливіша, ніж граматика. Наприклад, коли ви розмовляєте і використовуєте дієслово в теперішньому часі замість дієслова в минулому часі, то це, можливо, не вплине на загальний зміст вашого повідомлення. Але, якщо вимова не коректна, у вас будуть проблеми… не дивлячись на те, наскільки ідеально ви знаєте граматику. 

Тож, що ви можете зробити, щоб вдосконалити вимову? 

Найважливіше, це зрозуміти, що англійська мова – це мова інтонації. Англійська вимова фокусується на конкретних наголошених словах, в той час як ненаголошені слова вимовляються швидко, майже зливаючись із наголошеними. До наголошених слів відносять іменники (dog, table, etc.), дієслова (sit, run, etc.), прикметники (beautiful, wonderful, etc.) і прислівники (quickly, slowly, etc.). Більшість інших слів ненаголошені. Це так звані службові слова: артиклі (a/the), допоміжні та модальні дієслова (am, is, are, do, can, etc.), прислівники (in, at, to, etc.), та сполучники (and, but, etc.). 

четвер, 30 травня 2019 р.


Тема: Надання першої невідкладної допомоги


Тема: Техніка безпеки під час роботи


1. Read the text and translate it. 

Electricity Is Dangerous 

         When ever you work with power tools or on electrical circuits, there is a risk of electrical hazards, especially electrical shock. Anyone can be exposed to these hazards at home or at work. Workers are exposed to more hazards because job sites can be cluttered with tools and materials, fast – paced, and open to the weather. Risk is also higher at work because many jobs involve electric power tools. 
          Electrical trade workers must pay special attention to electrical hazards because they work on electrical circuits. Coming in contact with an electrical voltage can cause current to flow through the body, resulting in electrical shock and burns. Serious injury or even death may occur. As a source of energy, electricity is used without much thought about the hazards it can cause. Because electricity is a familiar part of our lives, it often is not treated with enough caution. As a result, an average of one worker is electrocuted on the job every day every year! 
         There are four main types of electrical injuries: electrocution (death due to electrical shock), electrical shock, burns, and falls.


1. Read the letter and complete the following exercises.

Hello, John
How are you getting on?  I really hope you are fine. Do you remember asking me about my future profession? Today I have some free time and will answer all your questions.
You know I am interested  in electrical experiments, don’t you? So, I am a student of Vocational School №75 and I study at the department of electrical engeneering.
Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. No wonder that it is not an easy thing to make the right choice. I also want to say that the profession should be chosen according to the character and abilities of the person.  As for me my favourite subjects are mathematics and physics. So I made my chose long ago. I want to be an electrician. To my mind it is very useful work. Electricity has become highly important in our modern world. It has made our work easier and our life comfortable. We cannot imagine modern civilization without the electric current, without electric lamps, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators washing machines and other electrically operated devices that are widely used today.
I think that the profession  of electrician can give many opportunities because everything in our life is connected with electricity. Electricians are preparing on specialty “Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics”  with the qualification  “technician-electrician”. Duration of training usually is 5 years on the basic 9 grades and 2 years –  based on full secondary education.
Well, I hope I have answered all your questions. By the way, what are the peculiarities of your future profession? Write me soon.
Best wishes,  Roman

середа, 29 травня 2019 р.

1. Read the and put “True” if the sentence is correspond to the text and “False” if the sentence is not correspond to the text.

Wiring methods 

     Materials for wiring interior electrical systems in buildings vary depending on: 
  • Intended use and amount of power demand on the circuit 
  • Type of occupancy and size of the building 
  • National and local regulations 
  • Environment in which the wiring must operate.
   Wiring system in a single family home or duplex, for example, are simple, with relatively low power requirements, infrequent changes to the building structure and layout, usually with dry, moderate temperature, and non- corrosive environment conditions.
     Wires and cables are rated by the circuit voltage, temperature rating, and environmental conditions (moisture, sunlight, oil, chemicals) in which they can be used. A wire or cable has a voltage (to neutral) rating, and a maximum conductor surface temperature rating. The amount of current that a cable or wire can safely carry depends on the installation conditions. 

type of occupancy – тип володіння 
duplex – спарений 
non- corrosive – неагресивні умови 
relatively – відносно 
power requirements - енергоспоживання 
layout – схема, план 

  1. All materials for wiring interior electrical systems don’t depend from any causes. 
  2. All materials for wiring interior electrical systems depend on power demand of the circuit. 
  3. Wiring system in a single family home is not the same that in duplex home. 
  4. Wires and cables are rated only by the environmental conditions and chemicals in which they can be used. 
2. Translate the word-combinations into Ukrainian. 

1. interior electrical systems; 2. size of the building; 3. amount of power demand on the circuit; 4. local regulations; 5. a single family home; 6. relatively low power requirements; 7. the building structure; 8. maximum conductor surface temperature rating; 9. installation conditions; 10. the amount of current.
1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.

PPE – personal protective equipment

           There are many types of PPE : rubber gloves, insulating shoes and boots, face shields safety glasses, hazard hats. PPE helps to keep you safe. It is the last line of defense between you and the hazard.

  • Wear safety glasses with side shields or goggles to avoid eyes injury.
  • Wear proper clothing that is neither floppy nor too tight. Loose clothing will catch on corners and rough surfaces. Clothing that binds is uncomfortable and distracting.
  • Wear your hair in such a way that it does not interfere with your work or safety.
  • Wear proper foot protection – wear shoes or boots that have been approved for electrical work.
  • Wear a hard hat to protect your head from bumps and falling objects. Hard hats must be worn with the bill forward to protect you properly.
  • Search out and use any and all equipment that will protect you from shocks and injuries.

1. Read the SAFETY TIPS WHEN WORKING WITH POWER TOOLS than refer them to the proper situation.


A. Power tools are essential for people in the trade who want to accomplish their job in a competent manner as well as for those who won’t to do it yourself’. Using the right tools can prove to be huge benefit in many ways like for example the right tools can save you time and money plus it can also make your job easier to accomplish. 

B. A power tool can be very dangerous object if it used wrongly. Hence it is vital that the tool is handled in the correct way in order to avoid accidents and injuries. Some common reasons for disaster to strike are carelessness, overconfidence and not reading the instructions.

v  Ware the RIGHT SAFETY EQUIPMENT for the job.
v  Use tools that are the RIGHT SIZE & RIGHT TYPE for your job.
v  Follow the correct procedure for using EVERY tool.
v  Keep your cutting tools SHARP and in good condition.
v  DON’T work with OIL or GREASY hands.
v  Handle SHARP – EDGED and POINTED TOOLS with care.
v  NEVER carry your tools in your pocket
v  DON’T use tools which are LOOSE or CRACKED.
v  DON’T use screwdrivers as chisels or pry bars.
v  AFTER USING A TOOL – clean it and return it to its proper storage place.
v  If anything breaks or malfunctions – report it to your instructor AT ONCE.
v  Use the RIGHT TYPE of tool for the job

завдання та інші матеріали можна завантажити тут

четвер, 23 травня 2019 р.

Job duties of electricians 

1. Read the text and translate it. 
  1. Install ground leads and connect power cables to equipment, such as motors. 
  2. Perform business management duties such as maintaining records and files, preparing reports and ordering supplies and equipment. 
  3. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, and fixtures, using hand tools and power tools. 
  4. Work from ladders, scaffolds and roofs to install, maintain or repair electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures 
  5. Place conduit (pipers or tubing) inside designated partitions /рα:ti∫n/, walls, or other concealed areas, and pull insulated wires or cables through the conduit to complete circuits between boxes. 
Special features of the electrician’s work 

        Maintenance electricians spend much of their time in preventive maintenance. They periodically inspect equipment, and locate and correct problems before breakdowns occur. Electricians may also advise management on whether continued operation of equipment could be hazardous. When needed, they install new electrical equipment. When breakdown occur, they must make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible in order to minimize inconvenience. Electricians may replace items such as circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical and electronic components, or wire. When working with complex electronic device, they may work with engineers, engineering technicians, or industrial machinery installation, repair, and maintenance workers. 
       Electricians use hand tools such as screwdriver, pliers, knives, and hacksaws. They also use power tools and testing equipment such as oscilloscopes, ammeter, and test lamps. 

Nature of the work of the electrician 

1. Study the vocabulary

electricity - електрика
air condition - кондиціонер
install – установлювати, монтувати 
connect – з’єднувати
test - перевіряти 
electronic control - електрична система управління
maintain - обслуговувати 
blueprint – план
circuit - ел. ланцюг, контур, схема 
outlet – розетка

пʼятниця, 10 травня 2019 р.


Voltage , otherwise known as electrical potential difference or electric tension (denoted ∆ V and measured in units of electric potential volts, or joules per coulomb), is the electric potential difference between two points – or the difference in electric potential energy of a unit test charge transported between two points. Voltage is equal to the work which would have to be done, per unit charge, against a static electric field to move the charge between two points. A voltage may represent either a source of energy, (electromotive force), or it may represent lost, used, or stored energy (potential drop). A voltmeter can be used to measure the voltage (or potential difference) between two points in a system, usually a common reference potential such as the ground of the system is used as one of the points. Voltage can be caused by static electric fields, by electric current through a magnetic field, or a combination of all three.


The strength of EMF or electrical potential is measured in units called volts. The more volts that are present, the greater the electrical potential will be. The voltage level of a dry cell battery will vary depending on how many surplus electrons there are at the negative terminal. A typical small dry cell battery has an EMF of 1.5 volts.
The greater the voltage in an electrical circuit, the greater the flow of electrons will be. Direct current is maintained by a constant or uninterrupted voltage.
Voltage is usually indicated with the abbreviation V. However, you may sometimes see  voltage abbreviated with the letter E, which stands for electromotive force. The  amount of electric      current flowing through a circuit is called amperage. The amount of current is measured in units called amperes or amps. One ampere of current is equal to the charge of 6,240,000,000,000,000,000  electrons flowing past a given point  in a circuit in one second. You can see that it takes many millions of electrons flowing in a   circuit to perform useful work!
In the electrical system, resistance to the flowing electrons (the amperage) can be decreased by using thicker conducting wires. Therefore, high-current circuits will use larger (thicker) conductors, while low-current circuits will use smaller (thinner) conductors.
Amperage is generally indicated with the letter A. However, you may also see amperage abbreviated with the letter I, which stands for intensity.

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