середу, 29 травня 2019 р.

1. Read the and put “True” if the sentence is correspond to the text and “False” if the sentence is not correspond to the text.

Wiring methods 

     Materials for wiring interior electrical systems in buildings vary depending on: 
  • Intended use and amount of power demand on the circuit 
  • Type of occupancy and size of the building 
  • National and local regulations 
  • Environment in which the wiring must operate.
   Wiring system in a single family home or duplex, for example, are simple, with relatively low power requirements, infrequent changes to the building structure and layout, usually with dry, moderate temperature, and non- corrosive environment conditions.
     Wires and cables are rated by the circuit voltage, temperature rating, and environmental conditions (moisture, sunlight, oil, chemicals) in which they can be used. A wire or cable has a voltage (to neutral) rating, and a maximum conductor surface temperature rating. The amount of current that a cable or wire can safely carry depends on the installation conditions. 

type of occupancy – тип володіння 
duplex – спарений 
non- corrosive – неагресивні умови 
relatively – відносно 
power requirements - енергоспоживання 
layout – схема, план 

  1. All materials for wiring interior electrical systems don’t depend from any causes. 
  2. All materials for wiring interior electrical systems depend on power demand of the circuit. 
  3. Wiring system in a single family home is not the same that in duplex home. 
  4. Wires and cables are rated only by the environmental conditions and chemicals in which they can be used. 
2. Translate the word-combinations into Ukrainian. 

1. interior electrical systems; 2. size of the building; 3. amount of power demand on the circuit; 4. local regulations; 5. a single family home; 6. relatively low power requirements; 7. the building structure; 8. maximum conductor surface temperature rating; 9. installation conditions; 10. the amount of current.

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