середу, 29 травня 2019 р.

1. Read the SAFETY TIPS WHEN WORKING WITH POWER TOOLS than refer them to the proper situation.


A. Power tools are essential for people in the trade who want to accomplish their job in a competent manner as well as for those who won’t to do it yourself’. Using the right tools can prove to be huge benefit in many ways like for example the right tools can save you time and money plus it can also make your job easier to accomplish. 

B. A power tool can be very dangerous object if it used wrongly. Hence it is vital that the tool is handled in the correct way in order to avoid accidents and injuries. Some common reasons for disaster to strike are carelessness, overconfidence and not reading the instructions.

C. Here some safety tips to ensure you are save working with power tools. It is most necessary to wear safety glasses because it will prevent dust or debris from flying into your eyes and it also counts for wood shavings, shards and fiberglass. Power Tools tend to create a lot of noise and can especially appear to be louder in a workshop’s confined place. There for, it is a sensible idea to wear ear plugs or ear defenders, since it will not only help you to protect yourself but it will also avoid permanent damage to your ear drums. 

D. Before starting any job you need to know which tool is best for the job as this will drastically help to avoid any injury to yourself for any damage to the machine. For these reasons it is highly recommended that you read the instructions manual which come with the power tool kit carefully and also familiarize yourself thoroughly with the safety measures. 

E. Instructions on how to clean and store your tools carefully and how to take care of it are also included. You should always carry a power tool by its handle and never by its cord. It is necessary to disconnect it if it is not in use always make sure your fingers are far away from the switch incase you are using a tool which is connected to the power source. Remember to use a power breaker when working with high powered tools. 

F. Clothing is major factor to remember when working with power tools. It is very important to wear the right clothing and tie long hair back. It is equally important to avoid wearing loose clothing making sure that your whole body is covered to protect your skin. 

G. Safety gloves must be worn along with goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris. Consider a dust mask to prevent breathing in dust and particles to protect your respiratory system if working indoors. Make sure the room is well ventilated. 

H. There are various situations where Power Tools should not be used. Power Tools should not be used in a wet environment or if it has been raining heavily. Under no circumstance should power tools be placed under water. Once you are done using the power tools away make sure that they are replaced in their appropriate cabinets as this will prevent them from being used by people who are not authorized to use them. Strong lighting has to be made accessible when working with tools especially in a basement or a cellular where natural light is not available. 

I. Never use power tools around children or animal and pets. This is primarily for their safety, but for yours also, so that you do not become distracted. 

J. Following the above tips can come a long way as it will not only stop you or others from getting injured or from accidents happening but it will also prevent the tools from getting damaged thus providing a friendly , safe and healthy environment for your tools, your surroundings and yourself. 

debris - сміття, осколки 
circumstance – обставина 
basement – підвал 
overconfidence - самовпевненість 
drums - перепонки 
  1. He always uses a power tool correctly to avoid injury. 
  2. Power tools are useful when you need to get the job dune quickly and efficiently. 
  3. Safety glasses will prevent dust or debris from flying into your eyes. 
  4. Here you may not use power tools because children play around. 
  5. I know that the power drill for this job is needed. 
  6. Following the above tips you can prevent the tools from getting damage thus providing friendly, safe and healthy environment for your tools, your surrounding and yourself. 
  7. Allowed to carry power tools by the cord. 
  8. It is very important to wear the right clothing. 
  9. Wet environment does not approach for work with power tools. 
  10. The room must be well ventilated while you work with power tools. 
2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions: 
· How often do you follow the instruction of using the power tools?
· Do you think that the instructions for use of a power tool can be neglected?
· Can cause injury disregard the rules?

3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
sharp; b. electrician’; c. styles; d. clothing; e. overconfidence; f. tools; 
  1. There are many 1__of tools belt available.
  2. A pair of wire strippers is a necessary item in the 2__ tool belt.
  3. Keep your cutting tools 3__ and in good condition.
  4. The right 4__ can save you time and money.
  5. Сarelessness, 5__ and not reading the instructions can cause demage and injury.
  6. It is very important to wear the right 6__ when working with power tools.
4. Fіnd from the text (ex.1) English equivalents of the word-combinations to the given Ukrainian ones.
1. може виявитися величезною перевагою; 2. дуже небезпечний об’єкт; 3. деякі поради з безпеки; 4. носити захисні окуляри; 5. уникати постійного пошкодження барабанних перетинок; 6. схильні створювати багато шуму; 7. засоби захисту органів слуху; 7. комплект електроінструменту; 8. чистити і зберігати інструменти; 9. необхідно роз’єднати; 10. вимикач електроживлення; 11. зав’язати довге волосся назад; 12. захисні рукавички; 13. сире середовище. 

5. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Електроінструменти необхідні для людей чия професія є електрик.
2. Перед використанням електроінструменту слід ретельно вивчити інструкцію.
3. Необхідно носити захисні окуляри які захищають очі від пилу і осколків.
4. Перед початком роботи ви повинні знати, який інструмент найкращий для цієї роботи.
5. Електроінструменти не повинні використовуватися в сирому середовищі.
6. Ніколи не користуйтеся електроінструментом коли поблизу є діти.

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