четвер, 30 січня 2020 р.


            The USA under the Constitution is a republic. This means that its citizens elect those people who govern them. The USA is also a democracy. It means that the citizens have certain rights.
Under the constitution the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive and judicial.
The legislative branch is made up of elected representatives from all the states and it is the only branch that can make federal laws, declare war or put foreign treaties into effect.  It consists of Congress that is divided into two groups called houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The members of the House of Representatives are elected for two-year period term. Each House member represents a district of his or her home state. The House has 435 members. The Senate has 100 members: two for each state. The Senators are elected for a period of 6 years. Americans who are not yet 25 years old have no rights to be elected to the House of Representatives and those who are under 30 cannot be elected to the Senate.
The main duty of the Congress is to make laws. A law begins as a proposal called “a bill”. It is read, studied, commented on and amended in the Senate or in the House. Then it is voted upon.
The second branch of power is executive. The chief executive of the United States is the President, who together with   the Vice President is elected for a four-year term. A President can be elected for only two terms. Election Day is always in November on the first Tuesday of the month.
The President appoints the heads of the government departments: Defense, Justice, Agriculture, Education, Energy, and others. He also appoints federal judges, ambassadors and is responsible for foreign relations with other nations - he represents the United States abroad.
The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court.

Compare political systems of Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA.

Make laws
Carries out (executes) laws
Interprets the constitution and reviews laws.
It determines whether laws are in accordance with the Constitution.
– parliamentary presidential republic
The Verkhovna Rada
The President
the Government (Cabinet of Ministers)
Supreme Court
& Constitutional Court
Great Britain – parliamentary monarchy
 the Government (Cabinet of Ministers)

The House of Lords
The House of Commons
federal republic
The President
Supreme Court
The House of Representatives
to say
to tell
- never has a person as an object
- you say smth

say + something

- you say smth to smb

say + smth + to + smb

- is often used when you are giving smb's exact words: '
   Sit down', she said. Ann said (that) she was tied. What did he say to you?

- you say smth about  (NOT say about):
   I want to say a few words about my family.

- used with a clause when the person you are talking to is not mentioned:
    She didn't say what she intended to do.

   She said that she was busy.
- usually has a peson as the object and often has two objects:
     Have you told him the news yet?

tell + somebody + something

  I told to him my name. 
  I told my name to him

- is often used with 'that' clauses:
  Ann told me (that) she was tired.

- is used when smb is giving facts or information, often with what, where, when, etc.
Can you tell me when the movie starts?

- is also used when you are giving smb instructions:

tell + smb + to do + smth

   The doctor told me to stay in bed. OR The doctor said (that) I had to stay in bed.
NOT The doctor said me to stay in bed.

tell a story
tell the time
tell the truth
tell a lie
tell a secret

- is little more formal than talk and suggests that smb is using their voice or that one person is saying smth to a group:
  I was so shocked I couldn't speak.
  Could you speak louder?
  A doctor spoke to the class about stress.

speak + a language

    He speaks Italian.

speak + about / on something

     Speak on this point, please.

speak  + to /with smb

is often used in polite requests, for example when you are making a phone call:
     Hello, could I speak to Michael?
     I'd like to speak to / with the manager. 
     (To speak with is more formal)

I’d like to speak to mr.Pitt.
The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists.
How many languages do you speak?

speak for someone
speak up
speak your mind
speak out (about something)
speak up for someone
speak volumes
speak well of someone
this speaks for itself
- is more common in spoken English and usually suggests that two or more people are having a conversation or discussing smth:
    We talked on the phone for nealy an hour.
    John and I habe been talking about
    our  families.

talk + with smb
             more formal than

talk + to smb

      He refused to talk with / to reporters.

talk + about something

    They are talking about some problems.

Who did you talk to?
We talked on the phone for over an hour.
What are you talking about?

talk back
money talks
talk down to someone
talk about your job
talk the talk
talk things over
talk tough
talk away
talk nonsense


There are following types of questions:

1.GENERAL QUESTIONS / Загальні запитання
"Yes/no"-questions   -  це такі запитання, на які ми даємо відповідь  'yes' or 'no'. У загальних запитаннях допоміжне або модальне дієслово ставиться на початку речення перед підметом. Якщо у складі присудка немає допоміжного або модального дієслова, то перед підметом ставиться допоміжне дієслово do (does) або did, а після нього основне дієслово у формі інфінітива без частки to, решта членів речення стоять у такому порядку, як у розповідному реченні.
Do you live in Ukraine?       
Does he like music?  
Are you a student?               
Can you speak French?
Did you like it?                     
Am I right?
Will you go there?                
Have you ever been to Paris?

Заперечна форма загальних питань утворюється за допомогою частки not, що ставиться після підмета перед основним дієсловом і виражає здивування.
Do you not see this film? Don't you see the this film? (Хіба (невже) ти не не бачив цей фільм?)
Did you not see this film? Didn't you see the this film? (Хіба (невже) ти не не бачив цей фільм?)

"Wh"-questions починаються питальним словом
What?          Що? Який?                              What is this?
When?         Коли?                                       When will you come?
Where?        Де? Куди?                                Where do you live?
Which?       Який з...?                                  Which book does he read?
Who?          Хто?                                           Who has got a computer?
Why?            Чому?                                       Why are you doing this?
Whose?         Чий?                                         Whose book is on the table?
How?             Як?                                           How did he read the sentence?  - Slowly.
How many?  Скільки? (для злічуваних)      How many apples have you got?
How much?  Скільки? (для незлічуваних)  How much money do you need?
How old?       Скільки років?                         How old is he?
How long?     Як довго?
How far?       Як далеко?
How often?    Як часто?

3. ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS / Альтернативні питання
Is it a pen or a pencil?
Do you like singing or dancing?

4. DISJUNCTIVE QUESTIONS / Розділові запитання
Tag-guestions     запитання з “хвостиком”   (Чи не так?)
You know English, don't you?                  (+)                        (-)
He is a student, isn't he?                  Positive statement – negative tag                                      
He hasn't got a car, has he?                        (-)                        (+)
You didn't see him, did you?            Negative statement – positive tag

Related  materials:

1)            DECLARATIVE / Розповідні    
        Statements / ствердження  (+)      I read a book every day.
                                                                He lives with his mother in a new house.
        Negatives / заперечення  (-)         I don't go to school on Sundays.         
2)            IMPERATIVE / Наказові
        Close the window!     Give me your copybook.  Open your textbooks.
        Stand up! Sit down.    Don't cross the street before the light turns green.

3)            EXLAMATORY /  Окличні
         Exclamations     !!!!
         It isn't funny!             How beautifully she sings!
          I am tired!                 What a terrible noise!

4)            INTERROGATIVE / Запитальні
         Questions   ???
         Do you speak English?
The Adjective
Degrees of Comparison

Ступені порівняння прикметників

Двоскладові та багатоскладові прикметники

Порівняння прикметників
The Article / Артикль

Артикль – це частина мови, яка визначає певні особливості іменника

 (the indefinite article)

(the definite article)


походить від слова “one   один, якийсь, який-небудь.
походить від слова that(той) і  має подібне значення.
a – вживається зі словами, які починаються з приголосної букви: a flat
an – вживається зі словами, які починаються з голосної букви:
an egg

   Якщо перед іменником стоїть прикметник (який?), то ми вживаємо артикль a (an) перед прикметником: a big apple

¾   Вживається з неозначеними   іменниками в однині:
«Lets read a book - Давайте почитаємо книгу. (маємо на увазі будь-яку книгу, не конкретну)
¾   показує, що перед нами знаходиться якийсь один, деякий, будь-який предмет, що згадується вперше.
He has a dog.
It is an ant.                        
¾   Вживається з конкретними, означеними іменниками:
«Lets read the book.»  - Давайте почитаємо книгу. (маємо на увазі певну, конкретну  книгу, відому для всіх)
¾   показує, що перед нами знаходиться конкретний, вже згадуваний раніше предмет.
The dog is big and fat.
The ant is big.

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