четвер, 30 квітня 2020 р.

Порядок прикметників у реченні

Reflexive Pronouns
(Зворотні займенники) 

Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 10 клас.
Дивіться урок за 30 квітня.

Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 11 клас.
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Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 11 клас.
Дивіться урок за 29 квітня.

Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 10 клас.
Дивіться урок за 29 квітня.

пʼятницю, 24 квітня 2020 р.

середу, 22 квітня 2020 р.

Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 11 клас.
Дивіться урок за 22 квітня.

Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 10 клас.
Дивіться урок за 22 квітня. 

Read the text and tell whether there is such a holiday your country? How is it usually celebrated?

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. The event is held worldwide to celebrate support for protection of the environment. The first Earth Day actually consisted of two separate celebrations in 1970, one on March 21st and the other on April 22nd. Earth Day 1970 gave a voice to that appearing consciousness and put environmental concerns on the front page. It became the day when we celebrate nature, raise awareness about environmental issues, learn of ways to lighten our footprint on the planet, and send a message to the rest of the world that we care about our environment. On April 22, 1990, the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated in Earth Day celebrations across the globe. Today, the fight for a clean environment continues with increasing urgency, as the destructive effects of climate change become clearer every day. It is absolutely critical that we take care of the Earth and its natural resources.
Earth Day is a great time to reflect. Are the decisions you make day-to-day in line with how you really want to live your life? If not, what steps will you take to make the two balance? There are many things you can do to help the environment; which will you focus on for the next year? Reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Reducing nutrient or sediment runoff on your property? Participating in a citizen-science, conservation-minded project? Ask yourself which of your strengths you can use to help those around you make environmentally sound decisions. Which issues do you know less about? Decide on important local or global issues you would like to learn more about and go for it. You may be a persuasive leader who can provide that little extra push that we often need, or you may be an introvert who can be successfully led by example. Use this day to commit to changes that will make a difference for the whole year.

Look through the text once again and decide whether the sentences are true or false.
1) Earth Day was initially celebrated on the 21st of March, but then the date changed to the 22nd of April.
2) The main purpose of the celebration is to make people more aware of environmental issues.
3) By 1990 more than 200 million people and 141 countries had joined the celebration.
4) Each of us must be an active participant of all the preventative activities offered by the
Earth Day environmental campaigns.
5) Earth Day is a chance for each of us to consider the impact we make.

понеділок, 20 квітня 2020 р.

пʼятницю, 17 квітня 2020 р.

           SURFING THE NET

In this lesson, students will learn key words and collocations for talking about the internet. The lesson includes a short text and discussion activity on the principle of 'net neutrality'. In the final exercise, students watch 8 short webcasts and complete a sentence about each clip.

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Choose the best word from the box to complete the following sentences.
o  combine
o  dams
o human-made
o pieces 
o   potential
o   widespread
o   devastating
o   flooding
o   prevent
o   snow


Floods cause ___________    damage. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to _____ flooding in some situations. There are several causes for _________   including deep ______ melt, icy rivers, and broken __________.  First, when deep snow melts it creates large amounts of water. When heavy rain and sudden warm temperatures ___________with the deep snow, floods can occur. Second, rivers that are covered in ice can cause floods when the ice melts. The ice ____________ form dams which break and cause flooding. Third, ________ dams can break and  cause _______  damage. The water from these dams can be as powerful as a tidal wave. Our best plan of attack against flooding is to recognize the _________ for flooding in certain conditions.


1. When I want to have a bite, I go to …
a)      the restaurant
b)      the snack-bar
c)      the cinema
d)     the shop

2. The national Ukrainian dishes are…
a)      beefsteak
b)      porridge
c)      borsch
d)     clear soup

3. Lemons taste …
a)      salty
b)      sour
c)      bitter
d)     crunchy

Imagine Dragons 

Всеукраїнська школа онлайн.  Англійська мова 10 клас.
Дивіться урок за 17 квітня.

четвер, 16 квітня 2020 р.

пʼятницю, 10 квітня 2020 р.

четвер, 9 квітня 2020 р.

середу, 8 квітня 2020 р.

вівторок, 7 квітня 2020 р.

З 6 квітня діє проєкт "Всеукраїнська школа онлайн". 
Заняття проходять по буднях з 10 ранку.

неділю, 5 квітня 2020 р.

суботу, 4 квітня 2020 р.

Тема: Обладнання електромонтера

 1. Read the text and translate it.

Text. The Electrician’s Tool Belt

      There are many styles of tools belt available, and most are aimed at the different trades expected to use them. An electrician’s tool belt will need several pockets on one side for small parts and supplies with pockets on the other side for hand tools. It should have a place to hang electrical tape and hammer loop.
    Too many pockets, however, can be a hindrance. A tool belt gains weight as tools and parts are added – it can quickly become quite a job to wear it all day.  

Тема: Основні інструменти електромонтера

Electrical Tools

1. Look at the images and learn the names of the electrician’s tools and things.
Life Is 
An inspirational Poem by Mother Teresa

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

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